Monday, September 9, 2013

D2R2 - Hanging With My Gnomies

So it's taken a while to get back with the exciting report from D2R2 but the wait has been worth it. First of all we have the newest and youngest member of the NECS/MRC - daughter of El Obamador and slayer of the hills of Mass/Vt - Turbo Boost. 
El Obamador & Turbo Boost
Now Turbo Boost is no ordinary youth, in fact this is her second go at D2 as the main stoker for the Terry Tate Tandem pain train, and all of this at the age of 16. What does this mean for you and me, well suffer in silence on the ride (nothing worse than getting your ass kicked by a youngster) and get ready for a generation of pain inspired rides akin to Bear Mountain Beatdown and Big Indian Scalping.
Believing in strength in numbers El - O arrived with the animal, Paul U-235 ready to rip a new one to the course and El's cousin Rodney - master of the old school randonnee riding. What Rodney might have lacked in pure punishment strength he more than made up for with the kit he completed the ride in.
The pre ride breakfast was a sure indicator of just how hard of an effort was in store. There was copious amounts of every food imaginable, tons of coffee and tea and a lot of volunteers with big smiles (clearly the smiles were because they didn't have to do the ride).
Paul U-235 pondering the day's course after ingesting copious amounts of breakfast chow
In the midst of breakfast we encountered this fellow wearing a sleeping bag/coat. Based on the outfit and the pose we opted to shield the eyes of youth and head back for more coffee.
Okay........................ nuff said
Old School vs. Spandex Warriors - You have to love the Nantucket Reds, wool sweater and Brooks Brothers loafers
Ready to stop at the local B&B for brunch
When one thinks of lower New England you imagine rolling hills, big meadows, scenic covered bridges and lots of cows. It was all there if you had your wits about you to take in the scenery over the course of the day. Rolling to the start I was a bit surprised to find that the course had no markers and one needed the cue sheets to navigate the numerous unmarked dirt roads. A shudder went down my spine when the reality that I couldn't get dropped by El O & Turbo Boost or I would be up shit creek without a paddle. Lucky for me the handicap of a tandem saved the day and I was able to keep in touch and even enjoy getting the better of El O on some of the climbs (memories that one does not soon forget).
The difference between the Death Ride/W101 and D2R2 - while both the former rides feature some long climbs that total less than the fingers on both hands the D2 is unrelenting. The climbs are a lot shorter, some pitching at just under 45 degrees (that is not a typo) but they are unrelenting and number in what seems like the hundreds.
Scenic New England waterfalls and covered bridges (and yes there was a brutal climb right after the bridge)
El Obamador and cousin Rodney
Mileage Markings, I was truly amazed, especially when those bad boys were going strong at 90 miles

Heading out of the lunch break (you have to ride fast to get the pickles) it was down to Turbo Boost/El O and C-Dubbs. Tackling four of the last 5 "big climbs" (what the fuck, at this stage they were all big) we rolled into the last aid station and seeing the clock was well past 4pm and everyone wanted to get home we hightailed it along the Green River for a nice 20 mile downhill/flat section to get back to the start (there was universal agreement that the monster climb in the last 11 miles section we skipped wasn't worth all of the time and getting home in the dark, especially when none of us had lights).

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