Friday, July 26, 2013

Paradise Lost?

Waking up for work this morning something just didn't seem right. I couldn't put my finger on it until an email from my Mid West compatriot, Garth Prosser,
arrived which put it all together. For the past 10 years the last Friday in July has represented only one thing - travel day to the Wilderness 101 - and for the first time since taking up racing I was not making the trip. Funny how these things happen and how quickly we forget. It used to be the entire month of July was one big ramp up for the W101, instead this year it was a June ramp up for the Death Ride and beginning this weekend the next ramp up for D2R2 (neither of which has a foot of singletrack).
Another oddity this summer has been the total lack of time on a mountain bike. So long has the time been that I honestly can't remember when my trusty race steed was last taken down off the wall. Instead this has been a year of road, road, moar road and now turns to dirt roads and lots of them. I have missed the trail rides and camaraderie but with a change in focus (and a bit of hesitation to venture into the woods after this past year) the road has ruled. Once Labor Day rolls around it will be back into the woods where my less then adequate technical skills will be moar than evident.
Mayor - see you in September (maybe even before then) and I promise to have cold beer when I show up.

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